Upgrading from an older version
2017.06.05 08:12
It would be nice if its installer allowed the user to upgrade from an older version instead of making the user uninstall the current version. Also, the upgrading process should keep the settings (such as currently made RAM Disk, etc) intact.
댓글 3
2017.06.05 11:28
2017.06.05 12:21
So, installing v1.70 over v1.61 won't need v1.61 to be uninstalled?
2017.06.05 18:49
Setup program question.
"Ultra RAMDisk is already installed. Do you want to update?"
Click [Yes] to update the current settings.
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We already support this feature.
Only version 1.60 should remove old version (1.00 ~ 1.51) first.
The 1.60 -> 1.70 update will retain the current settings.
Thank you for your good feedback.