Ability to backup on a user defined time frame
2017.06.05 08:08
It would be nice if it could backup the RAM Disk to the specified image on a user defined time frame (such as every 24 hours) so that way the RAM Disk won't be as outdated if the user doesn't restart that often and a power outage occurs.
댓글 3
2017.06.05 11:19
2017.06.05 12:19
Huh? I don't understand how that can happen. Just let me test out the option to see if you are right or not. I have done a backup on a schedule with a previous RAM Disk program that I was using with no issues. If you still won't include the option, then I will backup the RAM Disk with the backup program I am currently using on a schedule so that way I can restore the latest image after the power is restored.
2017.06.05 18:47
To fully backup, ramdisk must be forced dismount.
If you do not force dismount, the file system write cache will not be flushed.
Force dismount will disconnect the applications you are using.
So, on system shutdown, all write caches must be flushed and then backed up.
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It is safest to back up when system shut down.
Backing up at a specific time causes data loss due to the write cache.
Rather, more data loss can occur.
RAMDisk is not used for stable data storage, so it maintains its current method.
Thank you for your good feedback.